Oμιλίες Στατιστικής και Πιθανοτήτων

Πέμπτη 8 Ιουνίου 2017 (A303: 15.15-16.00, με τηλεδιάσκεψη)

Γεώργιος Αφένδρας
University at Buffalo

Τitle: Uniform Integrability of the OLS Estimators, and the Convergence of their Moments

Abstract: The problem of convergence of moments of a sequence of random variables to the moments of its asymptotic distribution is important in many applications. These include the determination of the optimal training sample size in the cross validation estimation of the generalization error of computer algorithms, and in the construction of graphical methods for studying dependence patterns between two biomarkers. In this paper we prove the uniform integrability of the ordinary least squares estimators of a linear regression model, under suitable assumptions on the design matrix and the moments of the errors. Further, we prove the convergence of the moments of the estimators to the corresponding moments of their asymptotic distribution, and study the rate of the moment convergence. The canonical central limit theorem corresponds to the simplest linear regression model. We investigate the rate of the moment convergence in canonical central limit theorem proving a sharp improvement of von Bahr’s (1965) theorem.

Πέμπτη 1 Ιουνίου 2017 (A303: 12.15-13.00)

Ιωάννης Καμαριανάκης
Arizona State University

Τitle: Bayesian shrinkage estimates of logistic smooth transition autoregressions

Abstract: The logistic smooth transition autoregressive (LSTAR) model is a regime-switching nonlinear time series model that has been adopted in a wide variety of applications. LSTAR is formulated as a weighted combination of two or more linear autoregressive (AR) processes. In this work, LSTAR models are estimated using Bayesian shrinkage (laplace and horseshoe) priors on the autoregressive coefficients of each regime. Dirichlet priors are used to estimate composite threshold variables in the transition function. The above specification provides a flexible alternative to existing reversible jump Markov-chain Monte-Carlo schemes for LSTAR model building, which can be implemented in existing Bayesian software packages. A series of Monte Carlo experiments is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methodology. Application to a classic nonlinear time series illustrates the ability to achieve superior forecasting performance. Finally, the capability to handle multiple input exogenous time series is exemplified through forecasting daily maximum water temperatures. For 31 Spanish rivers, Bayesian estimated linear and nonlinear river specific models are evaluated on 7-step ahead forecast performance.
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